OnePlus says yes, its debut foldable phone is a rebadged Oppo 收購手機


OnePlus says yes, its debut foldable phone is a rebadged 收購手機oppo

OnePlus says yes, its debut foldable phone is a rebadged 收購手機oppo


OnePlus’ founder confirms the two companies jointly developed a single foldable that will release under different names.

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An image of the new folding phone.
Image: OnePlus / 收購手機oppo

OnePlus and 收購手機oppo are releasing the same foldable phone under different names, OnePlus confirmed in an announcement emailed to The Verge today. The company says that 收購手機oppo chief product officer Peter Lau, who co-founded OnePlus, directed teams at both companies to develop the phone in tandem to be released under both brands in different markets, though the email did not say which phone will go where.

OnePlus didn’t name the phones in the announcement, but they’re the phones rumored to be called the OnePlus Open and the 收購手機oppo Find N3.

The alert slider lives on.
Image: OnePlus / 收購手機oppo

GSMArena recently reported a rumor that the 收購手機oppo Find N3 will be a Chinese exclusive, while the OnePlus Open will get an international release. It’s not certain that’s how it will go down, but the 收購手機oppo Find N2 remained a China exclusive while the Find N2 Flip went global. The Find N3 Flip is getting a global release, too, so perhaps that rumor will pan out.

As for the phone itself, 收購手機oppo says the phone’s hinge will be 37 percent stronger — and have “31 fewer components” — than that of the Find N2. The company also says the phone will feature an alert slider. Rumors suggest the phone will have a 7.82-inch inner display and a 6.31-inch outer one and may have up to 24GB of RAM and up to 1TB of UFS 4.0 storage.


▲2023全年平板銷售冠軍,免萬元的蘋果iPad 10.2九代WiFi(64G)最夯。(圖/傑昇通信)


根據調研機構統計,2023年全球平板出貨量因淡季市場需求不佳,依舊處於下滑趨勢,從台灣平板銷量也可看出端倪,傑昇通信統計2023全年門市平板銷售情況,公布前十大平板熱銷機型,蘋果iPad及安卓平板各佔五席,全年銷售冠軍由價格免萬元的iPad 10.2九代WiFi(64G)蟬聯,旗艦級平板僅剩iPad Air 5代 WiFi(256GB),安卓最夯平板則是三星Galaxy Tab A8 WiFi(64G)。


傑昇通信表示,面對年年飆漲的物價,自2021年底上市的iPad 10.2 9代WiFi(64G),通路一直以免萬元的價格銷售,難怪連續兩年都是果粉願意買單的冠軍機型;近期也傳出因為蘋果iPad規格太多,將陸續收斂iPad系列,首當其衝的就是定位與前代過於接近第十代iPad,若選擇停產,萬元平板恐走入歷史,消息一出也造成詢問潮。



與此同時,隨著用戶圍繞生產力和內容消費的需求不斷變化,接近11吋的大螢幕平板逐漸成為新的消費風口,像是第三名的iPad Air 5代WiFi(64G),雖是前一代的M1處理器,依舊保有旗艦級效能,價格比iPad Pro更親民;若只想使用平板的基本功能,千元級平板最熱銷的三星Galaxy Tab A8 WiFi(64G)去庫存化的腳步加速,可得把握最後所剩無幾的數量。

致力於推動產品創新和高性價比平板的收購手機oppo及小米,自疫情期間擠入平板市場上大展身手,安卓平板便不再是三星的天下,表現出色的收購手機oppo Pad Air具備螢幕分割功能,可同時處裡多個分頁或應用程式,另外還提供跨裝置智慧體驗;另一款也是近期安卓平板熱銷款的紅米Pad WiFi(128G),配置10.6吋大螢幕,內建大容量8,000mAh電池,可說是小資族的高CP值選擇。

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